Read article: Second cable failure puts iconic Arecibo Observatory at risk of collapse Projects and facilities News Second cable failure puts iconic Arecibo Observatory at risk of collapse "Crisis" as second cable snaps supporting a metal tower platform above the telescope's main reflector dish
Read article: First plasma for upgraded UK spherical tokamak Projects and facilities News First plasma for upgraded UK spherical tokamak Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak will aim to demonstrate plasma performance that could be scaled up to a fusion reactor
Read article: Why knocking down Brookhaven’s iconic smokestack is a monumental mistake Projects and facilities Opinion and reviews Why knocking down Brookhaven’s iconic smokestack is a monumental mistake Robert P Crease laments the disappearance of a landmark in US science history
Read article: Canadian Light Source overcomes geographic challenges while building local expertise Projects and facilities Interview Canadian Light Source overcomes geographic challenges while building local expertise Isabelle Blain and Marie D’Iorio on Canada's first national synchrotron
Read article: Continuous upgrades keep Institut Laue–Langevin at the heart of Europe’s neutron community Projects and facilities Interview Continuous upgrades keep Institut Laue–Langevin at the heart of Europe’s neutron community Helmut Schober explains how the neutron facility strives to serve its user community
Read article: Lia Merminga: Fermilab looks to the future with PIP-II linac Projects and facilities Interview Lia Merminga: Fermilab looks to the future with PIP-II linac Lia Merminga talks about an international effort to keep Fermilab at the forefront of particle physics
Read article: European synchrotron reopens following €150m upgrade Projects and facilities News European synchrotron reopens following €150m upgrade The Extremely Brilliant Source boosts the brilliance and coherence of the X-ray beams by around a factor of 100 over its predecessor
Read article: Physics in China attempts to rise from the pandemic Projects and facilities Analysis Physics in China attempts to rise from the pandemic Physicists in China are beginning to return to the lab following the COVID-19 pandemic, but many of their projects face delays, as Ling Xin reports
Read article: Growing the gravitational-wave network Projects and facilities Interview Growing the gravitational-wave network David Reitze discusses how gravitational-wave observations are set for a multi-detector boost
Read article: CERN approves further work on Future Circular Collider – but delays final decision Projects and facilities News CERN approves further work on Future Circular Collider – but delays final decision European strategy update proposes further work on a huge 100 km circular collider at CERN, but a final decision to build it will not be made until 2026