Read article: European physicists propose huge underground gravitational-wave laboratory Projects and facilities News European physicists propose huge underground gravitational-wave laboratory ELGAR would consist of two 32 km-long arms to detect gravitational waves via atom interferometry
Read article: US dark-matter detector heads underground Projects and facilities Blog US dark-matter detector heads underground The main component of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark-matter detector has lowered into the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota
Read article: Square Kilometre Array hit with further cost hike and delay Projects and facilities News Square Kilometre Array hit with further cost hike and delay Price of the huge telescope rises by €100m with construction set for 2021
Read article: China’s next big thing: a new fourth-generation synchrotron facility in Beijing Projects and facilities Opinion and reviews China’s next big thing: a new fourth-generation synchrotron facility in Beijing Work has just begun on China’s first fourth-generation synchrotron-radiation source. Robert P Crease gets a sneak preview of what’s in store
Read article: Advanced Photon Source set for $815m upgrade Projects and facilities News Advanced Photon Source set for $815m upgrade Improvements to the US synchrotron include a new storage ring as well as enhanced instrument beamlines
Read article: New Zealand pulls out of the Square Kilometre Array after benefits questioned Projects and facilities News New Zealand pulls out of the Square Kilometre Array after benefits questioned Government concludes that the benefits of membership do not outweigh the costs
Read article: The rise and rise of ‘new big science’ Projects and facilities Opinion and reviews The rise and rise of ‘new big science’ Robert P Crease describes a new kind of big science that's getting more complex, rather than just more large
Read article: Physicists in China unveil plans for underground gravitational-wave observatory Projects and facilities News Physicists in China unveil plans for underground gravitational-wave observatory Facility in central China would also test Einstein’s theory of general relativity to unprecedented precision
Read article: Quantum snakes, a physics-themed building and the Web at 30 Projects and facilities Podcasts Quantum snakes, a physics-themed building and the Web at 30 Physics World journalists discuss the week’s highlights
Read article: Major revamp complete at SuperKEKB particle-physics facility Projects and facilities News Major revamp complete at SuperKEKB particle-physics facility The Japan-based electron–positron collider will soon begin taking data to with the aim of spotting physics beyond the Standard Model