The remarkable properties of carbon nanotubes may allow them to play a crucial role in the relentless drive towards miniaturization at the nanometre scale
The unique mechanical and electronic properties of multiwall nanotubes are proving to be a rich source of new physics and could also lead to new applications in materials and devices
Physics-based techniques play a crucial role in helping archaeologists to unravel the history of our ancestors' lives and reveal previously undiscovered sites without the need to excavate
Is there a secret that makes a Stradivarius sound so good, and can modern violins match the wonderful tonal quality of this great Italian instrument, asks Colin Gough
While theorists have been battling to understand high-temperature superconductivity, industry is developing devices ready for a global marketplace potentially worth billions of dollars
The origin of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprate materials is one of the biggest puzzles in physics, explain Bertram Batlogg and Chandra Varma
Experiments deep underground are searching for new particles that could simultaneously solve one of the biggest mysteries in astrophysics and reveal wha's beyond the Standard Model of particle physics
Our understanding of the universe has advanced immeasurably in the last century, and there seems no end to the wealth of new discoveries as we approach the next millennium
Advances in nanotechnology, information science and molecular biology continue at a rapid rate and are poised to spark a series of industrial revolutions in the next millennium
Although the basic building blocks of matter and their interactions have been placed on a firm theoretical footing, many fundamental questions remain unanswered and await the experiments of the future