Read article: NASA demands new designs for cost-hit Mars Sample Return mission Astronomy and space News NASA demands new designs for cost-hit Mars Sample Return mission Space agency admits that a new timeline of 2040 for the craft is “unacceptably too long”
Read article: US Electron-Ion Collider hits construction milestone Projects and facilities News US Electron-Ion Collider hits construction milestone The Electron-Ion Collider will be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, New York
Read article: Europe plans to build 100-qubit quantum computer by 2026 Quantum computing News Europe plans to build 100-qubit quantum computer by 2026 Funded by Quantum Delta NL, the quantum computer is expected to be made publicly available
Read article: US astronomers slam cuts to the Chandra X-ray observatory Astronomy and space News US astronomers slam cuts to the Chandra X-ray observatory NASA says that increasing management costs means it cannot afford to the keep the “great observatory” operational
Read article: MEPs call for ‘urgent action’ to implement post-quantum encryption standards Quantum News MEPs call for ‘urgent action’ to implement post-quantum encryption standards Some 20 members of the European Parliament say that new standards are needed to protect against quantum computers
Read article: Peter Higgs: Nobel-prize-winning particle theorist dies aged 94 Particle and nuclear News Peter Higgs: Nobel-prize-winning particle theorist dies aged 94 Peter Higgs's work in the 1960s contributed to the prediction of a new particle, the so-called Higgs boson
Read article: Construction complete on the 3200 megapixel Legacy Survey of Space and Time camera Astronomy and space News Construction complete on the 3200 megapixel Legacy Survey of Space and Time camera The instrument will spend the coming decade imaging over 20 million galaxies to create a 'movie' of the universe
Read article: Artificial intelligence will help pick Nobel Prize for Physics winners Artificial intelligence News Artificial intelligence will help pick Nobel Prize for Physics winners Swedish Academy believes AI will reduce bias in evaluating nominations
Read article: Brazil becomes first Latin American country to join CERN Policy and funding News Brazil becomes first Latin American country to join CERN Brazilian nationals will now be eligible to apply for staff positions at CERN
Read article: Institute of Physics announces ‘impact projects’ for 2024 Policy and funding News Institute of Physics announces ‘impact projects’ for 2024 The green economy, space technologies and opportunities in venture capital investment have been choosen
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