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Physics World August 2017

Physics World August 2017

Sibling scientists: when your brother or sister likes physics too

How might it feel if you have a sister or brother who got you into physics? Would they be your rival or would the two of you support and nurture each other? These factors facing “sibling scientists” are the theme of this month’s cover feature. Elsewhere in the issue, Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope and Marcelo A Dias explain how we can exploit the “elastic instability” that leads to mechanical failure, with inspiration from nature. Finally, Daniel Whiteson describes how his attempts to explain the Higgs boson to a wider audience led to a collaboration with the artistic brains behind PHD Comics.

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Or you can read selected content from the August 2017 issue of Physics World here

Pride colours in various logos opinion

A new mindset

Photograph of young siblings feature

A shared journey of discovery

the Advanced Photon Source opinion

Oh, America!

Credit: Jorge Cham feature

When goofing off is good

The launch of an Indian space rocket review

Tales of India’s rocketeers

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