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Physics World January 2021

Physics World January 2021

Light of the mind: is quantum physics linked to consciousness?

Do quantum effects play a role in consciousness? Or are the two areas being linked simply because they are both difficult to understand? Betony Adams and Francesco Petruccione explore this developing, and contentious, field of quantum biophysics. Also this month, science writer Philip Ball explores the debate about free will, while David Appell picks what he thinks are the top 10 theoretical physics discoveries of all time. Don’t miss either the feature by CERN physicist Dave Barney, who explains why the new calorimeter for CERN’s CMS experiment is one of the most challenging engineering projects in particle physics of all time.

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Or you can read selected content from the January 2021 issue of Physics World here

Arecibo after the collapse analysis

Astronomers mourn Arecibo collapse

The far side of the Moon news

China space mission retrieves lunar samples

chimps opinion

Why free will is beyond physics

Physics teacher and students opinion

Why breadth beats depth

Biden poster in NYC opinion

Not over yet

server-room datacentre opinion

Powering the beast

biophoton spectrum in different species feature

The light of the mind

Illustration of people networked together review

Intertwined entities

Stack of PCBs feature

CERN’s new era for calorimeters

Photos of Isaac Newton, Siméon-Denis Poisson, James Clerk Maxwell, Albert Einstein, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Julian Schwinger, Fred Hoyle, Chen-Ning Yang, Tsung-Dao Lee, Brian Josephson, Vera Rubin and W Kent Ford Jr feature

The 10 greatest predictions in physics

Artist's depiction of a Mars research station review

Where many have gone before

Monifa Phillips careers

From physicist to patent attorney

Doomsday Clock 2020 lateral thoughts

Why R isn’t the only ‘Doomsday number’

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