Read article: Quantum testbeds provide gateway to large-scale quantum computing Quantum computing Analysis SPONSORED Quantum testbeds provide gateway to large-scale quantum computing Seven quantum hardware companies have been awarded multimillion-pound contracts to build a series of quantum testbeds at the National Quantum Computing Centre by March 2025
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Read article: Entangled molecules make a novel qubit platform Quantum computing Research update Entangled molecules make a novel qubit platform Two independent groups report a new tool for quantum science
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Read article: Charge qubits get a thousand-fold boost Quantum computing Research update Charge qubits get a thousand-fold boost New quantum computing architecture increases qubit coherence time from 100 nanoseconds to 100 microseconds
Read article: Why Alice & Bob are making cat qubits, IOP calls for action on net-zero target Quantum computing Podcasts Why Alice & Bob are making cat qubits, IOP calls for action on net-zero target This podcast features a quantum entrepreneur and an energy expert
Read article: New chip architecture offers hope for scaling up superconducting qubit arrays Quantum computing Research update New chip architecture offers hope for scaling up superconducting qubit arrays Gate errors fall by nearly an order of magnitude in rearranged control system based on single quanta of magnetic flux
Read article: Neutral-atom quantum computers are having a moment Quantum computing Analysis Neutral-atom quantum computers are having a moment Three new studies show record low error rates and a new error erasure strategy for two-qubit quantum gates
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