Available to watch now, IOP Publishing explains about publishing ethics, what free training and certification is available to you, and how IOP supports research integrity in the peer review process
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Science faces a reproducibility crisis. As the total number of research outputs continue to grow, researchers need a reliable indicator of what and who to trust. The peer review process remains the bastion of research integrity, and in this special IOP Peer Review Excellence webinar, we’ll give you an introduction to what we do at IOP Publishing and what you can do as a reviewer to support it. We’ll address topics including types of research misconduct, peer review ethics, whistleblowing as a reviewer, and what further training and certification is available to you.
Learn more about our free Peer Review Excellence course.
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Tom Sharp is reviewer engagement manager at IOP Publishing. He oversees our Peer Review Excellence programme, which provides training and certification for our reviewers. He has also worked as publisher of titles in our materials and engineering and applied portfolios, including Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, JPhys Energy, Electronic Structure, and Materials for Quantum Technology.