I I Rabi's work on the magnetic properties of nuclei, including the development of nuclear magnetic resonance, and his role as a peace campaigner during the Cold War have had profound and far-reaching...
Physics teaching is being transformed in the UK and the Institute of Physics is leading the way with a forward-looking initiative designed to revitalize the subject and attract more students
Biophysicists are now able to study a whole host of living processes with unprecedented accuracy thanks to a microscope normally associated with surface science
There is a long tradition of physicists and physics-based techniques making important contributions to biology and medicine. Harold Varmus argues that this tradition must go on
The exotic quantum phenomenon of Bose–Einstein condensation is the key ingredient in a new type of laser that emits atoms rather than photons, and that promises to revolutionize atom optics
In July 1969 Neil Armstrong took man's first steps on another world, yet 30 years on, the Moon still holds many mysteries that we are only just beginning to unravel
Recent advances in lasers, optics and information technology will make biomedical imaging faster and cheaper, and will also reduce the need for surgery