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Medical physics

Clinical implementation of RadCalc’s automated 3D collapsed cone secondary dose check

26 Jan 2022 Sponsored by LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen

Available to watch now, LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen explores RadCalc’s 3D collapsed cone module

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In this webinar, Jason Paisley will be sharing his experience with RadCalc’s 3D collapsed cone module. He will be covering his experience in setting up RadCalc’s dose engine, along with the hardware configuration he is utilizing within his hospital network. Jason will also be covering the setup and use of the automation that is included, since version 6.3, with RadCalcAIR. As well as any hurdles that he encountered in going clinical and points that TG 219 makes. Finally, Jason will be covering his experience using RadCalc’s 3D collapsed cone module clinically and fully automated, and why he chose to use a 3D second check solution.

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Jason PaisleyJason Paisley, MS, DABR is the chief physicist for Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC. Jason has been practicing medical physics for more than 10 years and is interested in treatment planning, machine QA and automation in medical physics.

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